Thank you, come again! (Never miss another post)

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Dearest friends,

I just wanted to take a short break to say a big thank you to all the new faces that have been stopping by lately. It really means a lot, so honestly, thank you!


I know I don’t blog nearly as much as conventions seem to demand, but this is due to a simple time issue and failure on my part to raise popular backing for my suggestion of 30 hour days. Until I find more time or succeed in my quest, I’ll try to keep up and produce at least two posts of worthwhile content per week 🙂

I’ve noticed that some of you seem to be coming back for more quite frequently and I appreciate that. If you want to be sure not to miss any new posts, you can either Follow my blog with Bloglovin or use the form on the right or the bottom of this page to sign up to receive new posts by email!

Once again, friends: Thank you, come again! … Oh, and if you’ve got any suggestions about things I should blog about, let me know in the comments, won’t you?

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Leave a Reply!