Tag Archives: Classic Sauce Recipes

From rich Bearnaise to zingy Salsas – Classic French sauses like Bordelaise and Demi-Glace join hands with homemade hot sauces and Mexican Salsas in the sauce archives.

Beginner’s Guide to BBQ, Part 4: North Carolina BBQ Sauce

North Carolina BBQ sauce

Welcome, friends to the fourth instalment in our Beginner’s Guide to BBQ Series, my humble effort to give you, the home cook, a firmer grasp on the great American tradition that is BBQ! This time, we focus on a subject surrounded by much debate and controversy: BBQ Sauce! More specifically, my favorite kind of BBQ […]

Easy Sauce Bearnaise Recipe: No more substitutions!

Sauce Bearnaise done right

Things don’t always make a lot of sense in the culinary world, but even when they don’t, at least we can take comfort in the fact that in the ever changing and insanely fast moving world of culinary fads and new developments, at least some things remain constants. Even when such constants don’t make a […]

Thanksgiving 2013: Ghost chili and licorice cranberry sauce

cranberry sauce

Of all the Thanksgiving side dishes out there, cranberry sauce may very well be one of the most traditional, and as such may also well be among those most often found on Thanksgiving tables throughout America. Given this fact, and the fact that I absolutely love cranberries, I naturally wanted to include a homemade cranberry […]

Bringing the heat: Ghost chili mango hot sauce recipe

ghost chili hot sauce

As the regular and attentive reader will by now have figured out, I’m quite big on chilies. And with it being harvest season for Danish chili growers, I’ve been quite blessed in terms of donations over the last couple of weeks. Most notably so, I’ve recently received a donation of a pound of ghost chilies (or […]

Strange brew: Homemade Sriracha style Hot Sauce

sriracha sauce

Homemade Sriracha? It’s a thing? It’s worth it? The answer to both your questions is yes! I know, you can make Sriracha at home? It boggles the mind and fills you with joy, right? One of my absolutely favorite things in this world is Sriracha hot sauce, a popular Asian style hot sauce. I go […]