Category Archives: Recipes

New and classical dishes – explore the in-depth history and perfect recipes for some of the world’s most iconic dishes… As well as a few bonkers experiments from Johan’s test kitchen.

Strange obsessions: vintage cookbooks

Gastronomie Pratique

… Or how to make ice cream without a freezer, electricity or ice! I think I’ve mentioned at some point that I don’t really care much for cookbooks, that I don’t own a lot of them, but that the few I do own, I absolutely treasure! This holds especially true for my small, but growing collection […]

Hot desserts: Grilled pineapple with ghost chili and rum recipe

grilled pineapple with ghost chili

If you’ve followed recent posts, you may have noticed that there’s been a bit of a ghost chili streak going on here on over this past week. I’ve had a ton of fun using ghost chili into all sorts of imaginable (and some quite unimaginable) applications and it’s made for a couple of apparently […]

Hot & Sweet: Ghost Chili and Spiced Rum Syrup

ghost chili syrup

I’ve been having a lot of fun doing ghost chili related recipes lately, and apparently it has been gathering some attention. My ghost chili and mango hot sauce recipe was the first post on this blog to hit 100 views in under six hours (by the way, thank you for that, dear readers) and people […]

Ghost chili and licorice jerked beer chicken

ghost chili and licorice chicken

Yes, you read the title correctly. I’ve recently done a jerk chicken that involved not only the ghost chili, one of the world’s hottest peppers, but also a touch of licorice. It all came about thanks to an abundance of ghost chilies as well as a generous donation of licorice from Danish licorice wizard Johan […]

Bringing the heat: Ghost chili mango hot sauce recipe

ghost chili hot sauce

As the regular and attentive reader will by now have figured out, I’m quite big on chilies. And with it being harvest season for Danish chili growers, I’ve been quite blessed in terms of donations over the last couple of weeks. Most notably so, I’ve recently received a donation of a pound of ghost chilies (or […]